Buckner Restoration Branch
Family Reunion 2024
June 29 — July 6
Odessa Hills Campground
Fees for the Week
Lodging, meals and campground fee is $100 per family.
Donations: If you are able , and feel so led, we ask that you make an added donation to offset reunion expenses. An offering will be collected Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.
Daily Fees: The price per meal will be a free will offering placed in the basket at the meal line.
Special Notes
Animals: Per campground policy, no animals on the grounds.
Electronic Devices: Please do not bring electronic devices to Reunion (TV, Radio, tablets, iPad, etc.). Cell phones should be put on silent or left in your trailer or cabin.
Attire: All participants should dress appropriately at all times. Wear appropriate tops, shorts, skirts. Please keep in mind that prayer and preaching services are services of worship—please dress accordingly.
Bicycles: Due to narrow paths and potential accidents, bicycles are not allowed.
Priesthood: Come prepared to minister in any duties that are needed. Please have slacks, dress shirt and tie. Suit coats are not required.
Our Beliefs: See Times and Seasons, Vol III, page 710.
Emergency Contact: During Reunion, Eric Baker 816-591-2380.